Individually Tailored Online Course

For your personal needs

Finding common timetable for one to one online meetings between coach and client from different time zones can be hard. Here is the solution: INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED ONLINE COURSE. You will be mostly free from timetables with still effective support. More SERVICES - link below.⬇️


Content of the course

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    Individually Tailored Course

    • Personally negotiated price

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    • Course Discussion

    • Messenger or WhatsApp call and text support

    • Online meeting support via Zoom or Skype

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Meditation and Spiritual Growth Coach

Energy Healer

Meditation and Spiritual Growth Coach, Energy Healer and Pillai Center Facilitator with over 25 years experience from meditation techniques. I teach what I practice and the tools are practical to everyone’s use.

Juhani Huhtinen
